Acetyl-carnitine is a substance natural to the body. It is readily formed in cells by attaching an acetyl group to carnitine, which is also natural to the body.
The difference between acetyl-carnitine and carnitine is that acetyl-carnitine is more easily absorbed from the stomach, and more rapidly crosses the blood-brain barrier. As a supplement, acetyl-carnitine has all advantages of L-carnitin plus others.
Acetyl. L-carnitine has a vital role in the production of energy from long-chain fatty acids. In addition, it increases the activity of certain nerve cells in the central nervous system.
Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR) supplies the nerves with energy and enables the production of neurotransmitters crucial for mental health; these include acetylcholine, GABA, and glutamate.
It strengthens the myelin around the brain cells and stimulates their growth, helping to “regrow” your brain.